This resource is designed to help users locate helpful information when using the flowdiver platform. Please join our Discord to join our community and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date. For feature requests and bug reports, please use our official feedback channel.


Flowdiver is a block explorer being developed specifically for the Flow blockchain 🌊. With an indexed data set going back to October 2020 with Mainnet-1; we aim to provide an accurate and reliable source of truth for the Flow ecosystem.

Basic Information:

🧑‍💻 Developer: **FIND**LABS

About Us:

🔗 Website

🗺️ Company Roadmap

🧪 Flowdiver Testnet


Introducing FlowDiver - Navigating the Depths of Flow blockchain

Find Labs - Historical API

Flow Developers

Branding Assets:

Faq Page

Team History:

The FINDLABS team is proud to showcase our latest offering with Flowdiver. Our leadership has been proudly engaged within the Web3 space since 2016. Our COO, Luke Gerbil, developed and hosted one of the first NFT podcasts - NonFunGerbils - documenting the NFT space as it unfolded. Our CTO Bjartek is known throughout the Flow community as The Cadence Whisperer, for his craft writing smart contracts on the Flow blockchain. He developed some of the first projects on Flow, starting with the Versus platform and later developing the .find wallet naming services with our CEO Christian_Neo, an entrepreneur, who has built numerous successful businesses and has been focussed Flow for the last 3 years.

Why Flowdiver?

During our time building on Flow we identified some areas of the ecosystem that we felt were important to address in order to make it easier to build on and create a more unified experience for projects and their customers.

We edged into these areas building an NFT index and marketplace index but ultimately came to the realisation that in order to continue to grow and continue innovate we needed to build some serious infrastructure. We needed to ingest the whole chain history and create a set of tools that everyone in the wider community could make use of, enabling them to build the projects they want without the overhead of having to build the underlying infrastructure first.

Our first step has been to ingest all of the previous chain data, organise it and create a set of indexes to power Flowdiver - first released as an MVP we will continue to build it out to be feature rich block explorer and hub for all users of Flow.

From here we can use this data to provide a set of APIs and data tools to developers to make building easier. Flow is already exceptionally developer friendly blockchain and we believe this is the best path for us to add to the experience for everyone and take away some of the overhead while making it much easier to build products that can access the history and movements of all assets on the chain.

We aim to provide an easy, complete, and reliable source of information for the Flow ecosystem.

Flowdiver was built to provide users with easier access to the depths of Flow, increasing user understanding and developer access to real-time data.
